Saturday, July 14, 2012

End of an Era! - Chapter 47

Today, my father passed away at 2:24pm from cancer.  We've had a rocky relationship for many years. There's a point that we haven't spoken for years!  I feel like Tupac " heart wouldn't let me mourn for a stranger."  So I feel numb.

The good news is that he called me and apologized for being crappy father.  We've made peace since then.  His last request was a photo of me and my mother at my brother's wedding.  But my mother didn't like the photo we've taken, so I've never sent it.  I wish I did!

Now, I'm contemplating if I want to go to the funeral.  I intentionally separated myself from the rest of the family because I don't want to be part of their constant drama.  It's ridiculous!  I don't know how to feel.

Anway...until next time.....

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