Saturday, February 9, 2013

Free Agent! - Chapter 52

It's official...I'm a free agent!

I have sent my letter of resignation to my church after much fasting and praying.  It was not an easy decision for me, especially since I love my now-former bishop.  But I realize that my time there is done.

If there's one thing about reading the bible that I never take for granted, it is this - God ALWAYS sends a prophet to bring warning before destruction!  I have done just that, but the warnings fell on deaf ears.

The sad part about this is that my now-former bishop and I were kindred spirits.  We were a lot alike.  So for him to not only to dismiss what the Lord said through me seriously, but to insult me on the pulpit and claim that I have demons in me and I have no idea what I'm talking about.  That is not only an insult to my prophetic gifts, but it is also an insult to God himself!  Here's a question - how does a shepherd expects its sheep to obey God when the shepherd themselves disobeys God?  Is it not true that EVERYTHING (whether good, bad or indifferent) that happens in the church trickles from the head on down according to II Corinthians 12:24?  There is a fine line between the prophetic and the pathetic - and it's about time that the people of God recognize the difference between the two!

At any rate, I now move on and I continue to pray that my former bishop will realize that not only what was said was correct, but he will finally take heed to what the spirit of the Lord was saying.

Until next time....

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